if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
In the upcoming ZK 8.6, we have added a new model – NavigationModel. This model is specialized for navigation. The basic idea comes from our previous small talks: ZK8 Wizard Example and Template Examples – Stepbar Navigation. Because these examples were well received, we decided to add this NavigationModel to the package and refined it […]
In the upcoming ZK 8.6.0, we have added many new components. Let’s take a look at some of them! Rating We can use <rating> component to allow user rate or display rated score. <rating rating=”9″ max=”10″ /> The orientation can be assigned to vertical or horizontal (horizontal by default). The default rating symbol is a […]
Introduction In ZK 8.6 we will bring in three new molds for input widgets: Toggle and switch for the checkbox component, and knob for the slider component. With these new molds, we could present our web pages with more implication rather than the normal checked/unchecked or the normal number scoring. The three molds are exclusively designed […]
We noticed an interesting library GoldenLayout and find it useful, so here it is, a flexible and powerful layout component is now presented in ZK 8.6 – the GoldenLayout component. Though ZK already have many useful layout components such as cross browser testing, BorderLayout and TableLayout for arranging view, GoldenLayout provides us with more choices for web […]