if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
What is Gmapsz3? Gmapsz3 component is a ZK component which wraps Google Maps’ API v3 into it so as to make it compatible within ZK in order to embed Google Maps in your own zul web pages. It has the same compatibility with ZK like that of Gmapsz-2.x, therefore, to upgrade to this version, please […]
ZK already comes with numerous layout components that provides users with a lot of options to create flexible, complex yet simple to use layouts. Q:Need highly flexible layout that allows different parts of your application UI hide/unhide? A: Use borderlayout. Q:Need structured layouts such as n-column layout or tabular layout? A: Use Columnlayout or tablelayout. […]
Normally, JasperReport uses system default font when generating a report. This blog will introduce step by step how you can embed other font types in JasperReport. Step 1: Create a file called jasperreports_extension.properties and put it in your classpath net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.fonts= net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionsRegistryFactory net.sf.jasperreports.extension.simple.font.families.fontfamily= fonts/fontfamily.xml Step 2: Create a “fonts” folder in classpath. Step 3: Create fontfamily.xml file in the […]
The ZK team has moved the issue tracker from sourceforge to our own new system at http://tracker.zkoss.org/. The issue tracker on sourceforge.net will be disabled starting next week, please remember to adopt to the new system. Users are able to log into the new system using their ZK forum account. If you do not already […]
Soundmanager component is a new ZK component which wraps Schillmania’s SoundManger 2 library into it so as to make it compatible within ZK in order to play audio files using JavaScript. This component supports HTML 5 and Flash, therefore it supports browsers that supports html 5 audio and iOS operating systems for iPhone and iPad. […]
Anchorlayout is a component where the size of its children components can be made dependent on the size of the parent components. When the parent component’s size is changed, its child components will also re-size itself accordingly. Version:1.0.0 ZK Version: applicable to 5.0.0 later Usage: The anchor property of anchorchildren can be used to assign the […]
A light-weighted tab component – Is it really necessary to have 3-divs for round-cornered tabs ? Under certain conditions i.e. if you control the maximum width to under 400px and if your application does not require more complicated tabs like vertical tab or according tab, it is possible to implement lighter tabs in order to […]