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ZK Calendar is coming soon with a brand new look and feel and Java 8 date/time support.
ZK Calendar is an enterprise calendar component providing intuitive scheduling functionality fully controllable in Java. It comes with 3 views: DAY, WEEK and MONTH and various attributes for controlling its date format, time zone, begin date, begin time and size.
Upgraded Look & Feel
The soon arriving 3.0 version will come with 4 new built-in themes: iceblue, dark, breeze and wcag. As suggested by the names, calendar’s iceblue theme best matches ZK’s iceblue (and Atlantic and other Lite themes in the theme-pack). Similarly, calendar’s dark theme best matches ZK’s dark themes; breeze matches the classic themes; and wcag theme matches the wcag themes.
To specify the preferred theme, set the org.zkoss.calendar.theme.preferred in zk.xml. Check out ZK Calendar Essentials to learn more.
JDK 8 and java 8 date/time support
ZK Calendar 3 will require at least Java SE8; it will work with higher versions that are binary-compatible with JDK 1.8. It allows you to use Java 8 date types ( java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalTime ) instead of the old java.util.Date. For more information and example, visit the corresponding issue tracker.
Besides, several issues are fixed, for example events longer than 12 hours are now displayed correctly, an IE11 NumberFormatException has been fixed, and a JS error that occurred when adding multiple short events is fixed. A few methods, APIs, event name constants are deprecated and/or renamed, please check out the Release Notes and Upgrade Notes Here.
Downloads (updated 0126)
We hope you find this updated version useful. Please try out the release candidate (freshly file) and let us know how ZK Calendar works for you. Maven Access Info: Read Here (Version string: 3.0.0) Non-Maven Access: Binary Download
If you have any suggestions, questions or issues, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you soon!