A couple of months ago, ZK consultants traveled to Europe to share with some of you the latest advancement in ZK. Huge thanks to all of those who expressed their interests and came in person! Those who did not have the chance to meet us can check out the following for more information!
[Frankfurt @ Germany]
A six-hour training course was presented by our lead consultant, Robert, in Frankfurt. During the course, he focused on topics like ZK lifecycle, performance analysis and shadow element with UI templating. ZK User Group was held afterwards, and it highlighted ZK 8 features like MVVM and client-binding. The gathering also provided users the opportunity to share their individual ZK projects and experience with other ZKers. The course and user group were presented in German, to minimize and break the language barriers. Free beer was offered to all participants, and all had a great time during the meeting. Bad luck to those who only see the event now, but stay tuned, maybe we will be visiting your country next time!
[France & United Kingdom]
Our French consultant, Matt, visited some ZK users in France and the UK, and we received valuable feedbacks from them directly. Some ZK users enjoyed features like component richness and extensibility, simplicity in creating dynamic java- based webapp, and no JS required and many more. For example, one of the companies Matt visited in Paris encountered latency due to under-optimized MVVM data binding compounding over many operations. Matt pointed out that some issues were addressed in our recent smalltalk ZK Do’s and Don’ts already; he also gave advices on how to improve their codes. From the visits, we also gathered beneficial comments on how we can optimize our products, such as including Dreamweaver-like graphic user interface designer, etc.
Overall, ZK’s European visit was a great success, it was a happy experience to have the chance to meet with you all face-to-face. We would like to thank you again for the active participation and it is the motivation to keep us moving forward and deliver you the better product. We are looking forward to see you all again and meeting more of you if possible in the near future. Thank you all again for being part of ZK users!
Is there any topic that interests you? Or are there topics that you would want to know more of? Feel free to shoot us an email and let us know!